My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.”
“But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that one thing you've never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.”
Set in a world where the sun is red, ash falls from the sky and at night mists envelopes the land. The society is divided in a caste system. The Noblemen (Highborn Nobles, lowborn Nobles), Terrismen (Stewards), and lastly the Skaa; all of whom are owned by the Lord Ruler who leases them to nobles. They are the serfs in this world. They do all the manual labor working in forges, mills, farms and mines. They are beaten, with little to no pay, lack or poor food. The Noblemen are the descendants of the people who supported the Lord Ruler before his Ascension and granted them Allomancy, made them taller, less fertile (so he could control them), intelligent and stronger. As for the Skaa are said to be descendants of the people who support him; he made them slower and more fertile (more workers). But after a thousand years on interbreeding the distinctions have been blurred. Nobles can bed Skaa women as long as they kill them soon after. But there those who escape thus producing Mistings and Mistborn Skaa who often use their skills with thieving crews to scam the nobles and the rich. From of these crews comes our main characters

- The main protagonist, an orphan street urchin who's a member of a thieving crew where she is valued by the leader, Camon as a lucky charm. At the beginning of the story, she is paranoid and mistrust everyone believing that everyone will betray her when given the opportunity. She's a talented Mistborn due to her father being one of the purer-blooded noble men.

Kelsier or Kell
- A crew leader who survived the "Pits of Hathsin". Smart, Charismatic, and a bit self-centered. Kelsier came out the pits changed. Instead of just fame and fortune, he wants to achieve something more. He wants to free the world of the Lord Ruler, liberate the Skaa and bring back the world to the way that it used to be. His is one of the rare Mistborn who trains Vin.

Sazed or Saze
- A Terrisman and Keeper. He's under the service of Kelsier and assists his crew in their missions and trains Vin in the proper etiquette of a noble lady.
Dockson or Dox
- Kelsier's right-hand man. He maintain's the ledger and contracts of the crew, seeing to their needs and making sure there are money and supplies.
Hammond or Ham
- is a misting pewterarms. He burns pewter which makes him very strong. He's in charge of security for the crew and acts as a General to the rebellion army.
- is a misting soother . He can soothe emotions of quite a number of people, manipulating them according to their crews plans.
- is a misting smoker. His responsibility is to make sure to hide the crew in a "coppercloud" so that the Inquisitors (who hunt down Skaa born Mistings and Mistborn) won't sense them using their powers or allomancy.

Elend Venture
- a nobleman, heir to the most powerful house in Luthadel. He reads a lot of forbidden books criticising the Lord Rulers Empire and dreams of a better world for the Skaa and nobles.

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